
Induction App and Dashboard

Construction Induction
App and Dashboard

Induction app allows for seamless and quick on-boarding to
construction sites with competency checks, safety passport
and documentation uploads.

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Induction Dashboard
TSL Construction Induction App
Castlemore Construction Induction App
APS Construction Induction App




User Inductions



SQR Inspections
SOR Inspections
Schedule Management
Clock In and out
Video demonstration
Medical conditions checks
Site Management
Documentation uploads
App notifications
Availability Checks
Language translations
Documentation management
User profiles and management
Labour allocation
Site creation and management
Timesheet management
Multi-level admin access
Customisable branding and features
SQR and SOR Inspections
Documentation uploads
Site Management
Schedule Management
Clock In and Clock out
Video demonstration
Medical conditions checks
App notifications
Availability Checks
Language translations
User profiles and user management
Labour allocation
Documentation management
Site creation and management
Timesheet management
Clock In and Clock out
Video demonstration
Medical conditions checks
SQR and SOR reports management
Availability Checks
Language translations

Optimise Your Processes

Induction Safety Passport

Seamless Induction

Reduce admin time and paperwork by allowing employees or subcontractors to induct themselves through the app and manage their user profile and paperwork via the admin dashboard.

Accurate timesheets and schedule

Track your employee’s or subcontractors site clock in and out times to reduce unnecessary invoicing for time not work with to the second time management systems.

Safety comes first

Safety reports in app allow for team members to report issues, damages or cleans up with email automations to make the needed parties aware. All reports are stored and organised automatically with 0 hassle.

Induction Safety Passport

TSL Case Study

TSL Induction/SQR is a mobile app with 2 main functions. It allows subcontractors to induct themselves as a TSL subcontractor, and it also allows these subcontractors to send off reports of an unsafe environment or issues with equipment.

This app includes a user details form, documentation/image uploading, in-app video onboarding, and a quiz to verify the competency of the user, and the ability to translate the app into different languages.

This app was directly integrated into TSL’s already existing dashboard, so all subcontractor submissions, data, and competencies are safely stored and managed within TSL’s cloud user database.


Monday - 07:00-22:00
Tuesday - 07:00-22:00
Wednesday - 07:00-22:00
Thursday - 07:00-22:00
Friday - 07:00-22:00
Saturday - 07:00-22:00
Sunday - 07:00-22:00

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